


Earlier this year I made the decision to travel across the country to eat, pray, love myself in a new way. I realized that I had retained some unhealthy patterns of living throughout my life and struggle to truly live

As I’ve been fighting through depression for over a decade, the insulated, basement-dwelling ways of my past continued to plague me despite my improvement. As I've grown in understanding my mental health, specifically because of my graduate degree on the subject, I’ve learned new ways to cope and pursue health when my levels are low. My mood has elevated but all my habits have not. Some unhelpful ones remain. 

It is for that reason, amongst a few others I will discuss at later times, that I have decided to embark towards a life worth living. I can only speak for myself, at this moment, in my life, with my story, and my mind. Traveling right now, for me, is something I feel I have to do. I don’t care to gain influence in the gimmicky ways of travel bloggers and vloggers, I hope not to ignore the issues of our day (climate change, racial injustice, the US political, corporate oligarchy to name a few). 

I hope to discover new ways of life, document my journey, and hopefully connect with others along the way. I hope this blog is helpful to some. I hope it’s insightful but above all, I hope it’s honest. I want to weave my mental health musings within these essays and really help others engage with their own story. Not for heady, cognitive knowledge. I want us to emotionally engage with our own stories. Can we connect our hearts to our lives? That’s where I aim.

STOP #1: 

Bangor, Maine 

I know nothing of this city. Not yet anyway. I drove from Colorado with my friend who already resides in the city over three days, haul-assing just to get before the start of the week. 30 hours of driving in 3 days. Over 2000 miles.


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I’m barely settling in. But I’m excited to explore. Thankfully I stopped by a brewery on the river the first night I got in and had a lovely blueberry witte. 

hehe my funny lil insta story text at the bottom of the beer.

hehe my funny lil insta story text at the bottom of the beer.

Mason’s Brewery. Lovely little spot on the opposite side of the river to Bangor. Technically it’s in Brewer, ME so I haven’t even been to a local brewery yet in the city of Bangor! A Travesty. Tomorrow perhaps I avenge this error of mine. Regardless, the beer was good and I met a beautiful couple who live in SC who told me they’d buy me a beer if I make it their way. Jokes on them I definitely will. As a youngest child, I refuse to turn down anything free. 

Today, my first full day in the city, I unpacked my things and tried to get my life in order a little bit. As covertly tiring as unpacking can be, I was able to take a book and go sit by the river for an hour or so and enjoy cloud covered 75 degree weather with the soft guitar pickings of a stranger echoing in the background. 

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My two lessons in my first few days. 

People are the point. 

Nature is healing. 

As I reflect on the dire state of our world in lieu of the new IPCC report on climate change, I’m reminded of why we try to build a better future. To foster a land that is so obviously life-changing and sacred-- and to love people. Our connection to people is one of the main reasons why we’re here. Regardless of what one believes, connecting to people in an authentic, genuine way is a beautiful experience. There is goodness there. In order to continue this, in order to value our fellow humans, we must fight for something better on this earth. 

The blood-thirsty appetites of the powerful blind them to these realities. Their exploitation, their insatiable desire for more disconnects them from one of the true purposes we have the ability to grasp. They are prisoners to themselves. 

We must not forget the true systems of the world that aim to destroy. In the midst of this, we must also flee the waves of despair that will most certainly gravitate towards us. For in despair, action is impossible. If Love is primarily choice and action, despair keeps us separated from our home. Are we not most at home when we are practicing Love?  

In these two moments in Maine, I am thankful for nature and I am thankful for people. I must pause and sit in my gratitude for my soul to be continually nourished by it. Selah. 

Until next time, my friends. 






I’m a Mess