White Christianity Did this

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Ever since the conception of this country, one thing has been abundantly clear: 

White Christianity is White Supremacy. 

The so called founders of this country, the men who left Europe in search for “religious freedom” only ever wanted power in the form of land, they did not want to follow a loving God. They would exploit whoever they could to establish their blood-thirsty legacy. 

Their faith was their fulcrum, and their god, made in their own image, adamantly cheered them on from heaven. 

Historically speaking, the founders of America were overwhelmingly racist and overwhelmingly Christian. Human traffickers would beat those they enslaved in the morning, and would go preach at their local church immediately after. One needs barely read the historical accounts to realize their god was used as a justification for genocide over and over again. 

Manifest destiny meant colonizer’s god viewed white colonizers as the Israelites, clearing the land from Native’s in the name of the gospel. 

This created a god complex which allowed colonizers to inflict torture on Africans, stealing them from their home land to establish the slave trade, with the assumption that they were doing their god’s work. 

This continued through the years in the police force. We saw the Texas Rangers exterminate Mexican and Indeginous natives to further their empire. We’ve seen white Christian led administrations bomb the Middle East without end. 

The list goes on. For 400 years.

Men who believed it was their right to own people, men who subjugated Black people to torturous conditions for years, they were the ones leading the charge of Christian power in this country.

Of course we must not forget about the faith of the enslaved, for we cannot colonize deconstruction and wholly separate faiths as well.

Regardless, to view the breaching of the Capitol by domestic terrorists, who enacted nooses, crosses, Jesus flags and signs, as anything less than deeply tied to white Christianity would be foolish and dangerous.

Keep in mind that 75 million people voted for Donald Trump in the 2020 election. Keep in mind that he was crying foul of rigged elections since 2016. Keep in mind that the levels of white nationalism and hate group activity increased tenfold since he’s been in power. Keep in mind that bombers, shooters, murderers have all praised Trump before committing heinous acts. Keep in mind that the police have aligned with him in all their abuse of force ways. Keep in mind how these people claim Christianity.

Keep in mind that this is no small cultish faction but a large enough population to be the 20th largest country in the world. And yes, are all Trump voters the people that stormed the Capitol? No. And, they are complicit in his rise, his choices, and his Capitol terrorism attack. To think otherwise is revisionist history enacted to flea shame and guilt. Many liberals share in this complicity.

It is very possible that Trump could have gone full blown fascist and committed to the coup. The Capitol police broadly let these people in the Capitol. The Pentagon put limits on the National Guard before the attack. This was planned and people in the highest ranking police forces were pulling strings. Lawmakers were a part of this raid. We came inches from a full on coup (which is not a one off event, but happens over time).

These terrorists were not some backwoods, hillby group. They included highly trained operatives, bomb makers, and more. All Trump supports are complicit in the aftermath of the last four years and the Capitol raid. Two pipe bombs were found for god’s sake.
And so many on the right are comparing these terrorists to BLM protests. Their blatant racism knows no bounds. People have shoved their heads into the sand in order to uphold their ability to continue in white supremacy. They refuse to believe what is right in front of them, while others are in dismay at the state of their America, the America they claim not to recognize. “This isn’t who we are. We’re better than this,” goes the trope. Biden said as much.

Who were we when we enslaved Black people? Who were we when we committed genocide against Indegnious peoples? Who were we when we only counted people as 3/5ths of people? Who were we when we put children in cages? Who were we in the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921, or the Philly bombings of the 1985? Who were we when we planted crack in Black communities so we could haul of Black people to jail for forced labor? Who were we when white Christians led the way in all of these circumstances?

White Christianity in this country is not some out of touch elder grandma style religion that is too naive or too senial to understand the inner workings of this country. White Christinaity is not the intern of an unjust system who is just caught up in a bad workplace. White Christinaity is the president, founder, and CEO of white supremacy in this nation and has not only led the way of devastation, but has invented the most powerful positions of this country to ensure more people perish in its grasp.

White Christinaity must be burned to the ground and the earth beneath salted. White people who identify as Christians must repent and deconstruct the white supremacist faith they thought would save them. They must destroy any memories of white-washed theology and political entanglement. They must run away as fast as they can and do the actions of repentance. They must repay tenfold what they have taken from others.

White Christinaity is white supremacy in the United States of America and it must no longer be tolerated. In all of this, I am certain of one thing. If a Middle Eastern, Brown, Jewish Jesus looked White Christians in the eye right now, he would say “Away from me you evildoers. I never knew you.”



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